I know first-hand how powerful and rewarding it can be when you find the right consultant to help shape and deliver strategic programmes, and someone who will seamlessly navigate the organisational nuances and culture. Sarah is that consultant.
It's reassuring to work with someone who is comfortable across the fast-moving ESG subject matter area and its nuances; Sarah has both passion and knowledge of the environmental, social and governance landscape making her a trustworthy partner who is astute at recognising which mode she needs to be in to support and deliver her best work. That mode might be listening and then asking the nudging questions, or taking a draft brief and filling in the gaps and leaving you with a feeling she can read your mind and knows what you want better than you do!
Sarah is never one to shy away from getting stuck in to the tactical delivery, and effortlessly links everything back to the strategy and objectives. I also appreciate how organised Sarah is, and the value she places on keeping you up to date, being clear on what she is working on now and what is coming up, shaping the priorities together. Sarah has worked on challenging, complex and time pressured projects and is calm, committed and a trusted partner. She is a talented communicator, savvy at recognising sensitivities that need to be navigated in a particular way, and will confidently manage and communicate with colleagues at all levels in the business.
Let’s not forget it’s important to connect with people and have fun at work. Sarah is a joy to be around, a kind warm person who cares about people and the work she does.
— Emily Binning, ESG Corporate Director